Date Added: 10/03/2014






Task filter page: admin/task  where you at first you can see all task and enable you to filter the tasks. Example: the task use1 finished between 21/12/20014 and 27/12/2014

Column list:

ID: task id

Project: project that the task assigned to.

Title: task title 

Description: task explanations

Assigned developer: User thad assigned as Developer for the task.

Assigned Tester : User thad assigned as Tester for the task.

Status: task status

Developed User: last develloped user

Time developed: time the task developed.

Who Tested: user who tested.

Test Result: task staus that lastly.

Time Tested: the time lastly tested.

Total Comment: number of comment that commented by user  on the task 

Last Comment: lastly comment

Time Last Commented: the time lastly commented.

Conflict:  conflict beetween developer and tester  while test is not approved

Last Modified User: User  lastly modified the task.

Time Modified : the time midified

Time Added: The time task added

Priority:  task priority

Task Group : Group or groups that task assigned to.

Logs: logs that associated with the task.


Last Update: Posted by: müslüm ÇEN

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