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It is the policy of this site to promote open discussion amongst practitioners of all experience levels. To facilitate that discussion new members are encouraged to use this site's and other online search facilities before posting a question or request for assistance. However, please note that criticising another member for not having searched elsewhere before posting constitutes unacceptable use of this site.
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At webenfo.com , we recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect when you use and visit webenfo.com, and how we safeguard your information.
Log Files
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We also use third party advertisements on webenfo.com to support our site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP , the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites).
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We also may use DART cookies for ad serving through Google’s DoubleClick, which places a cookie on your computer when you are browsing the web and visit a site using DoubleClick advertising (including some Google AdSense advertisements). This cookie is used to serve ads specific to you and your interests (”interest based targeting”). The ads served will be targeted based on your previous browsing history (For example, if you have been viewing sites about visiting Las Vegas, you may see Las Vegas hotel advertisements when viewing a non-related site, such as on a site about hockey). DART uses “non personally identifiable information”. It does NOT track personal information about you, such as your name, email address, physical address, telephone number, social security numbers, bank account numbers or credit card numbers. You can opt-out of this ad serving on all sites using this advertising by visiting http://www.doubleclick.com/privacy/dart_adserving.aspx Google AnalyticsWe use google analytic to get tracking information about our website visitors. You can choose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into websites or accounts.
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Last Update: Posted by: müslüm ÇEN