Model: auction
Auction and e-commerce Site
Web application required for online auctions. Once the auction method or real-life auction rules are determined, the winning customer is entitled to receive the work, product or antique value and the final result is sent to the customer.
The Management Panel is very simple, but the system is very useful for our customers.
more detail : auction.ovh
Starting Online Auctions (According to bidding, increment rules)
Launch multiple (unlimited) Auctions
Bidding, Bidding, Bidding
Preliminary Evaluation Auctions start; Starting auctions online and ending in the hall.
Mass Mail (Auction Announcement),
Bulk Product Upload
Auction Archiving
Direct Selling (e-commerce) Online Payment acceptance
Converting final results to orders
Product Details
Product title and short description
Auction starting price
Its value at auction
Auction deadline with counter
Highest proposal and bidder (admin only sees)
Product category and genus filtering
Lot number and ranking system
Market value
Total bidders
Total offer
Total number of followers
Email Notifications
For the team members; The work you follow has received an offer
Notification of the Outgoing Proposal of Your Offer (Instant)
Result notification email at the end of the auction; You are the owner of the product with the highest offer
Information e-mails are sent when the auction begins and in a short period of time.
Follow-up Mail: The work you follow is 12 pieces - on "Auction name"
Bidder Mail: You have 23 Total Bids - on "Auction Name"
When the auction bidder is passed while the auction is in progress, an instant notification is sent.
Our users who are registered to our e-bulletin are informed about our new auctions and products.
All e-mails are sent in detail and with links and images for return to the site.
Admin Panel
Detailed customer information
Who bid for which product and when
Which product got the offer (by whom)
The auction displays which products have received bids and who has the highest bid.
How many products have been Bid in auction (got bey)
statistical data
Instant turnover reached by the auction
Total number of bids (pey) today
Total number of followers today
Total new members today
Ability to use google analytics
Converting Final Results to orders with +% Commission and + VAT rate and sending notifications
Order online payment acceptance
Bulk Product Upload (Pour the data to support packages, excel file (title, description, price etc.) and image folder)
and more
live auction ending final acceptance
live auction video
online auctions and live finishing
online auction and time auction (stop buying if no pey last 3 minutes)
referance : auction software